Ways or Avenues to give to the Lord through the church


1.  In Person giving


2.  Mail in your giving to Bethel Baptist Church 998 N. Gallatin Ave Ext. Uniontown, PA 15401


3.  Call the office and drop it off when Pastor or Lynn are present


4.  If you do online banking you can utilize that option and have your bank send a check to the church just as if you were paying a personal bill.  We have recently had several folks take advantage of this option as there are no fees required.


5.  PayPal - (This option requires the church to pay a percentage to PayPal for their service.  If you use this option       

     consider adding an additional 2.99% to your total to cover the PayPal fee.) 

  a.  The church has a PayPal account use [email protected] as the account to send it to.

  b.  Go to your PayPal account and put in the church email address. 

  c.  In the next frame put in the dollar amount.

  d.  In the add a note section please put in the breakdown of your giving:  General Fund, Missions, Fund Building Fund. If adding          the 2.9% add that to your general Fund designation.

  e.  Continue to follow through the instructions from there.